Refund Policy
Refund Policy
BlockbusterSound is the music division of BIGFILMS.
Here at BIGFILMS, we take great pride in providing exceptional Customer Service.
As the standard policy in the digital industry, we do not offer refunds on any digital downloads. Any Refund Request that we receive are evaluated by our Accounts Department and we make an internal decision based on certain criteria, (i.e., Duplicate Orders, Fraudulent Charges, etc.).
An investigation will be launched into your purchase order and will be addressed accordingly.
BIGFILMS is not obligated to provide any refunds for any reason. It is our sole discretion to consider such request. BIGFILMS reserves the right to refuse service to anyone who does not comply with the Company Policy, Refund Policy and Terms and Conditions.
As a Customer/Filmmaker you are family and part of the BIGFILMS Community of filmmakers and content creators. We will do everything in our power, according to company policies to ensure your satisfaction and experience using our Music & Vocal Packs. You are treated with the highest level of respect and care from our Customer Service Department.
Our Customer Service Department is specifically designed to service you. We take great pride in going the distance to resolve any pending issue and provide a resolution according to our company policies. If you have any questions or need assistance, send us an email. Though typically we have an incredible quick response time, on occasion, it can take up to 24 hours to receive a reply.
Feel free to contact us at:
Thank you for being the fabric of our foundation. Thank you for your creative voice.
Thank you for choosing BIGFILMS!